Since its inception in 2017, EPIC has hosted several events specializing in educational technology as a community dedicated to exploring and sharing innovation resources. From educational technology and innovative schools to public welfare, we have connected the most outstanding companies, institutions and industry professionals in the field of education.
However, during the organization of the event, we found that EPIC participants are not only satisfied with the one-sided output of the event guests, but participants are also eager to communicate with the guests and understand the practice and application of educational innovation. Additionally, we have also found that educational innovators face similar challenges:
Since its inception in 2017, EPIC has hosted several events specializing in educational technology as a community dedicated to exploring and sharing innovation resources. From educational technology and innovative schools to public welfare, we have connected the most outstanding companies, institutions and industry professionals in the field of education.
However, during the organization of the event, we found that EPIC participants are not only satisfied with the one-sided output of the event guests, but participants are also eager to communicate with the guests and understand the practice and application of educational innovation. Additionally, we have also found that educational innovators face similar challenges:
Difficulty in absorbing information without
feedback despite evident passion
Lack of industry awareness and resources
Difficulty in combining theory with practice;
need for more practical application
EPIC realizes that we can do more. As a community of educational innovations connecting China and the United States, EPIC's mission is to inspire and empower future education innovators and practitioners to engage more talented young people in educational innovation.
The EPIC Academy Education Innovation Institute No. 0 has partnered with more than 10 educational innovation institutions within the United Nations, to provide a community of mutual exchange and project creation for those who love education and are eager to gain an in-depth understanding of the education industry.This is a preliminary attempt by EPIC in the field of educational innovation, so we are calling it Phase 0. You are not only a participant in the event, but a co-creator of this educational innovation institute.